
MAGELANG - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo kept in touch with the cleric Kiai Haji Yusuf Chludori (Gus Yusuf), the caretaker of the Islamic College Boarding School or Ponpes Salaf, Tegalrejo District, Magelang Regency. The National Police Chief discussed various matters such as the security situation and public order.

During his meeting at Gus Yusuf's residence on Friday (24/6) night, the National Police Chief expressed his joy in meeting the caretakers of Islamic boarding schools so that they could directly convey important issues facing the nation, especially security and security issues.

"We express our gratitude to Islamic boarding schools for helping with the dissemination and implementation of vaccinations so that the pandemic is controlled and Indonesia is the most successful country in dealing with COVID," said the National Police Chief, quoted by Antara, Saturday, June 25.

The National Police Chief also mentioned the national situation which has entered the political year ahead of the 2024 General Election and the conducive atmosphere for security and public order will determine Indonesia's future position.

"If the security and social security is conducive, everyone can start the economic recovery by attracting investors again," he said.

The National Police Chief entrusted Gus Yusuf with a message to convey to the political elite so that in the 2024 election they can both maintain conduciveness.

This was welcomed by Gus Yusuf, who appreciated the proactive attitude of the National Police Chief and his party was always ready to synergize with the National Police.

Even without being asked, continued Gus Yusuf, the scholars have helped the government a lot in all its affairs.

"I will convey to the kiai and political figures the hopes of the National Police Chief, especially regarding security and order," said Gus Yusuf, who is also the chairman of the Central Java National Awakening Party (PKB) DPW.

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