
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), through the Marine and Fisheries Research and Human Resources Agency (BRSDM) is developing fish farming in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province by utilizing ex-mining areas. This plan has the full support of the Bangka Belitung Provincial Government.

As is well known, Bangka Belitung Province has long been known as one of the tin-producing regions that has made a real contribution to regional revenue. Tin has been mined in this province since the Dutch era in the 17th century and then officially transferred to Indonesia in 1952. However, this mining activity left it as a former mining excavation or under, covering an area of 1,712 hectares in 2015.

Seeing these conditions, Head of the KKP Fishery Center Yayan Hikmayani, represented by the Head of the Palembang Public Aquatic Fisheries and Fisheries Extension Research Center (BRPPUPP), Arif Wibowo, said that the water space ex-mined was a potential land for the development of local inland fish.

"The former mining excavation is not only beneficial in terms of conservation and preservation of fish biodiversity. But it is also a new source of income for the people who are the main players / fisheries business in Bangka Belitung," he said, in a written statement received by VOI, Friday, October 30.

Currently, said Arif, the community around the tin mining location has been trying to utilize the former mining excavation for several purposes. But unfortunately, this is not optimal and is still limited to mining excavations that are more than 25 years old from the time of excavation. Because, the older the age underneath, the less turbidity and dissolved solids will be, thus providing great opportunities for aquatic animal life.

Furthermore, said Arif, this condition resulted in the restoration of land or water under tin mining that took quite a long time, so that there were many under mines which were marginal lands that were not used.

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries held an audience with the Governor of Bangka Belitung Erzaldi Rosman Djohan, Monday, October 26, at Pan Semujur Beach, Tanjung Gunung, Central Bangka Regency. Arif conveyed that the KKP will carry out a program to use ex-mining land for fisheries development or known as 'rainbow'.

According to Arif, in the development of a variety of freshwater ornamental fish in Bangka Belitung, an inland fisheries conservation area will also be created. This is because Bangka Belitung has a local land fish habitat which if developed will have high economic value, so that it can become an economic buffer in this area.

In addition, said Arid, the province has local / endemic ornamental fish resources that can potentially adapt and be developed with the ability to survive in acidic pH (Power of Hydrogen) aquatic environments under ex-mining areas, such as Betta burdigala, Betta chloropharynx, Parosphromenus bintan. , Trigonostigma heteromorpha and Trichogaster trichopterus.

However, said Arif, there are many tough challenges faced in realizing this Rainbow Program. At least the commitments from various parties can provide fresh air and encourage the success of this program.

"The parties that are expected to provide support in synergy with KKP include the Provincial Marine and Fisheries Service, Regency / City Service in charge of Fisheries, and PT. Timah, Tbk," he said.

Responding to the Rainbow Program, Governor Erzaldi expressed his full support for the KKP's plan. He appreciated the KKP's efforts for conducting research, particularly on the use of under ex-mining areas as a means to breed valuable local Bangka Belitung ornamental fish. So that it can provide benefits to society.

Erzaldi provides support and recommendations to the KKP to immediately collaborate with mining companies and the district / city government in Bangka Belitung which has the authority over the management of this freshwater fish. He will provide a letter of recommendation to support this program to PT Timah, Tbk to collaborate on the Rainbow Program.

Not only that, he also recommended the districts of Central Bangka and Bangka as places to carry out first-step projects, and hoped and encouraged the KKP to establish a Technical Implementation Unit in Bangka Belitung, because of the large potential of its fishery.

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