
JAKARTA - A question arose in the final round of a traffic accident that killed two GrabWheels electric scooter riders, Wisnu and Ammar. About why DH, who has become a suspect, was not arrested.

Previously, it was rumored that DH was the son of an official. The public then concluded that this was the reason why the police did not arrest DH.

Later, the police gave information. Kasubdit Bin Gakkum of the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, Kompol Fahri Siregar, said the police had certain considerations behind the decision not to detain DH.

According to Fahri, the investigators considered that DH would not run away or lose any evidence. "So, that is the consideration of the investigators, he said, Thursday, November 14.

"So I underline that the detention was not carried out because the investigator had considerations," he added.

Regarding the background of DH, who is said to be the son of an official, Fahri did not comment. According to him, DH's background investigation is not the domain of investigators because it deals with personal matters that are not related to the subject matter of the case.

"Because if the investigator is more concerned with matters related to the chronological issue of the incident. Who are the parents, we do not go into that problem. What we are investigating is precisely how the chronology of the incident occurred," said Fahri.

Apart from subjective considerations, Fahri said that the decision not to detain DH was also based on the results of the investigation. Apart from the three witnesses who were around the accident site, the examination was also carried out on four colleagues of Ammar and Wisnu, the accident victims.

Hit and run issue

Regarding the testimony that said DH had fled after the collision, the police denied this. According to Fahri, witnesses had different perceptions. Fahri said, DH did not run away. However, the fact is that DH did not stop immediately when the accident occurred.

According to Fahri, based on the examination of DH, he explained in the investigation report (BAP) that his car had traveled a hundred meters. The panic kept him from finding the pedal. "But (DH) stopped. So, precisely at door 5 (Glora Bung Karno) it stopped," he said.

When compared to the case of a car accident that hit a pharmacy in the Senopati area, South Jakarta, where the suspect was immediately detained, Fahri emphasized that this is the authority of the investigator.

"The variation in the case is of course different because the investigator is independent. The investigator has his own judgment. As for yesterday, the Senopati pharmacy was handled by the South Jakarta Satwil. Maybe the investigators from the South Jakarta Satwil think that it really needs to be detained," said Fahri.

Now, DH is obliged to report twice a week. "(Given action) Must report, if the detention is not carried out, it is still mandatory to report," said Fahri.

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