
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya appealed to the Jakarta Ansor Youth Movement (GP) not to hold convoys around Holywings cafe. This convoy is said to be a form of protest against Holywings following the promotion of free alcoholic beverages to owners of the names Muhammad and Maria.

"Yes, we appeal not to (convoys, ed)," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Friday, June 24.

In addition, Zulpan also asked the entire community to entrust and hand over the handling of this case to the police. Currently there are two police reports (LP) that have been processed.

Both reports were filed by Feriyawansyah with his attorney Sunan Kalijaga. The report was made this morning.

There is also a report by Pemuda Pancasila (PP) and the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI).

"So we hope to the whole community and community groups, let us submit this handling to the law that applies in our country," he said.

Zulpan said the Polda Metro Jaya would secure the convoy's action. This is to prevent any unlawful acts.

"Of course, the police, in this case the Polda Metro Jaya, will provide security to all DKI residents and we urge them not to do things that are not against the law," said Zulpan.

GP Ansor DKI Jakarta area plans to hold a convoy around the location of the Holywing cafe as a form of protest to the management who made the promo.

The convoy was planned to be carried out today. The action points will be in all Holywings locations, starting from Gatot Subroto, Senayan to Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK).

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