
JAKARTA - The Indramayu Police, West Java, arrested a mugging perpetrator. The robber did his action with only a toy gun, and targeted a school principal.

"The suspect we arrested has the initials R, he is a recidivist of the same case," said Indramayu Police Chief AKBP Lukman Syarif in Indramayu, Friday, June 24.

Lukman said the suspect carried out his crime with a toy gun to frighten the victim.

The suspect, continued Lukman, had been following the victim since he left school. After the situation was not too crowded, then the suspect tried to take the victim's valuables.

But the victim tried to fight back, so he fell and then the suspect immediately scared him using a toy gun.

"The victim was threatened with a toy gun. But because the victim did not know, he immediately handed over his valuables," he said.

He added that the victim was a woman and the principal of a school in Karangampel District, Indramayu Regency.

The suspect, said Lukman, was a recidivist of a criminal offense with a similar case, and had been sentenced to the Cirebon District Court and Brebes, Central Java.

From the suspect's hands, his party confiscated several pieces of evidence, including a motorcycle, CCTV footage, cash and others.

"The suspect is also taking decisive action (shooting) because he tries to resist when he is about to be arrested. Our suspect is subject to Article 365 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 9 years in prison," he said.

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