
TANGERANG – A number of areas in Tangerang City lack clean water supply. This happens because the water is cloudy in the Cisadane river which results in less water management.

Director of the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Tirta Benteng, Sumarya said the disruption to clean water services was due to the high turbidity of raw water in Cisadane.

According to PDAM data, raw water turbidity reaches 25,000 NTU (water turbidity level) while water treatment is only able to treat water below 1000 NTU.

"The turbidity was caused by landslides and floods in the Cisarua area of Bogor. So that PDAM reduced its production capacity by 50 percent," said Sumarya when confirmed, Friday, June 24.

He explained that the temporary cessation of clean water supply to customers began on Thursday, June 23, at 15.00 WIB. This happens because the lack of water exceeds the standard of the PDAM itself.

"Last night (June 23) there has been an improvement from the previous 50 percent production, now it's 60 percent," he said.

Sumarya apologized for the disruption of clean water services in several areas in Tangerang City.

"We apologize for the disruption of clean water services in Tangerang City," he concluded

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