
JAKARTA - The Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto suggested the NasDem Party to help the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, in socializing the change in street names in Jakarta. This suggestion came after Anies planned to change the names of 22 roads in Jakarta with the names of Betawi artists.

According to Hasto, NasDem, which had supported the former Minister of Education and Culture as a presidential candidate, could contribute to helping Anies by explaining his work program.

"Yes, of course Mr. Anies by changing the name has considerations, but the NasDem Party can also provide an explanation, because NasDem, right, already supports Mr. Anies," Hasto told reporters at the PDIP DPP Party School, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta, Thursday, June 23. .

NasDem, he continued, was judged to be able to take advantage of the media group owned by its general chairman, Surya Paloh. So, the socialization of changing the name of this street can run optimally.

Moreover, the change in the name of the street can have implications for a number of things, including those related to administration. "Regarding the name changes, maybe this can be socialized because the party, right, has affinity with certain media to socialize the name change," said Hasto.

"Because this name change will have implications for ID cards, for family cards, basically the administration will be complicated," he added.

As previously reported, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan changed dozens of street names in Jakarta to the names of Betawi figures. In addition to roads, the names of Betawi figures are also enshrined in buildings and villages (zones).

There are 32 names of streets, buildings, and zones that were changed simultaneously in 5 cities and the Thousand Islands Regency. With details of 8 roads in Central Jakarta, 1 road in North Jakarta, 2 roads in West Jakarta, 4 roads in South Jakarta, 5 roads in East Jakarta, 2 roads in the Thousand Islands, 5 buildings in 5 city areas, and 5 zones in the Betawi Cultural Village, South Jakarta.

The policy of changing the name of Jalan Budaya to the name of a Betawi figure, namely Jalan Entong Gendut in the Cililitan area, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, apparently complained about by local residents.

The reason is, with the policy of changing the name of the road, it actually burdens the residents who live on the road.

Residents objected because they thought that all population administration such as KTP, KK, SIM, STNK, BPKB and various other securities would have changed.

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