
WEST PAPUA - The DPRD of Teluk Wondama Regency, West Papua, consulted three draft regional regulations (raperda) to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM).

The chairman of the Bapemperda of the DPRD Teluk Wondama Kristian G Torey said the three Raperda initiated by the people's representatives consisted of the Raperda on education, the Raperda on modern markets, and the Raperda on recalibration.

"We are targeting that the three regional regulations can be ratified into regional regulations this year. The three regional regulations are draft regional regulations by the DPRD," explained Torey in Isei, West Papua, quoted from Antara, Thursday, May 23.

Torey explained that the regional regulation on education regulates, among other things, education whose funding comes from special autonomy funds (Otsus), including affirmative education for indigenous Papuans such as AdiK (affirmation of higher education) and AdeM (affirmation of secondary education).

"That's what we will reorganize, whichever is still lacking. Because so far it's not clear on the executive side for affirmations, it's possible that the regent's regulations are still being used. Because there are affirmations directly from the center (APBN), some from Special Autonomy and also from the Regional Budget," he said.

Meanwhile, the regional regulation on modern markets is being prepared in the context of structuring markets and commercial centers such as supermarkets, minimarkets and supermarkets which are predicted to appear in Wondama in line with regional developments.

"So it is arranged for existing supermarkets regarding opening and closing hours. How to operate so as not to kill these existing small businesses," explained the Nasdem Party politician.

After being consulted with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the next stage is a public test to get input from the community.

After that, you can get the numbering after going through the final synchronization stage by the Provincial Law Bureau and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

"If it goes well, it is hoped that in November it can be ratified as a regional regulation. Later it will be ratified together with the two previous regional regulations, namely the regional regulation on the formation of village regulations and the regional regulation on the formation of regional legal products," he said.

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