
JAKARTA - The police said that the action of a mother who entered the DKI Jakarta City Hall building carrying a bag of gasoline took place on Tuesday, October 27.

"We received the letter (notification) last night at 22.30 WIB (yesterday). Meanwhile, the incident in the morning," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Gambir Police, Police Commissioner Gunarto told reporters, Wednesday, October 28.

With the notification letter, said Gunarto, the investigation team had already visited the City Hall building. The goal is to find information and carry out the crime scene (TKP).

However, the investigation team did not get any results. This is because the building has no activity because it is closed on joint leave.

"We picked up the ball this morning to City Hall, to clarify and process the TKP of the information. However, the City Hall was closed," he said.

Previously, a video was circulated showing a woman entering the DKI Jakarta City Hall building, carrying a bag of gasoline that was put in a mineral bottle.

Head of the DKI General Bureau, Awaluddin, confirmed the parties in the video. Awaluddin said the incident happened on Tuesday, October 27 afternoon.

Awaluddin explained that the woman entered the Blok G building of the DKI City Hall and said she was going to the 12th floor, the DKI Economic Bureau room. The mother's bag was checked using an x-ray machine, but no gasoline was detected.

"Around 12.10 WIB Tuesday afternoon, the mother went to the Blok G building first. After that, the mother's bag passed through the x-ray machine. Now, in the x-ray it looks like only liquid in a bottle, we think it's mineral water. Then, she went up to the 12th floor, "Awaluddin said when he was confirmed, Wednesday, October 28.

Arriving on the 12th floor, this mother forced the Internal Security (Pamdal) on duty to meet with the Head of the Economic Bureau. The mother's gesture began to be suspected. Finally, the officers called for assistance from the TNI and Polri.

"When the officers arrived, the mother finally shouted, 'I'm going to burn the building.' She shouted like that. Finally, we searched her bag. In fact, the bag contained gasoline and cardboard in it. We'll secure the petrol," said Awaluddin.

Even though they were caught carrying gasoline, security officers at the City Hall released the mother. This is because officers suspect that the mother has mental disorders.

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