
JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency Asep Kuswanto said PT Karya Citra Nusantara (KCN) could still continue loading and unloading activities at the port after its environmental permit was revoked some time ago.

The sanction for revocation of the environmental permit was decided after PT KCN did not finish implementing the environmental improvement sanction after being determined as the perpetrator of coal dust pollution in the Marunda Flats.

Asep said, if PT KCN wants to continue its operational activities, then they must renew the environmental permit to the DKI Provincial Government.

"What is clear is that they must first change their environmental permit renewal which was yesterday in the UPL (environmental monitoring effort) to an AMDAL (analysis of environmental impacts)," Asep told reporters, Thursday, June 23.

However, to regain the environmental permit, PT KCN must improve environmental management related to loading and unloading activities in accordance with the 32 items of administrative sanctions previously imposed by the DKI Provincial Government.

The administrative sanction in question is to require PT KCN to make improvements in terms of water quality management, emission from movable and immovable sources, B3 waste, solid waste, noise, and air, as well as submit implementation documents.

"We have revoked the permit and it depends on when they want to improve the environmental permit. So, for how long, it depends on PT KCN itself," said Asep.

As long as the permit is revoked, the DKI Environmental Service coordinates with the Tanjung Priok port authority to ensure that operations related to PT KCN's loading and unloading activities are stopped.

As is known, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government revoked the environmental permit for the operational activities of PT Karya Citra Nusantara as the perpetrator of coal dust pollution in Marunda Flats, Cilincing, North Jakarta.

The imposition of this severe sanction was carried out after the residents of the Marunda Flats felt the impact of pollution four years ago and PT KCN has not yet completed the administrative sanctions for improving the management of loading and unloading activities.

Marunda residents began to feel this air pollution disturbance since 2018. This air pollution causes serious diseases to its citizens. Now, there are three residents who suffer from corneal ulcer disease which is strongly suspected due to the coal dust pollution in Marunda. Residents' settlements are often polluted by dust that flies to the surface.

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