
KARAWANG - The District Attorney's Office of Karawang Regency, West Java, is still looking for criminal acts of corruption in handling cases of alleged corruption, a 5 percent fee for aspiration funds or main ideas (pokir) of members of the Karawang DPRD.

"The investigation is still in the process. So we are still looking for evidence to find out whether or not there was a criminal act of corruption (in this case)," said Karawang District Attorney's Office Head Martha Parulina Berliana, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 22.

In addition to looking for evidence, his party is also conducting an examination of witnesses related to the 5 percent fee for aspiration or thought funds for members of the Karawang DPRD.

Asked about the parties who had been investigated in the case, Kajari only said that someone had already been questioned.

"Many have been (checked)," he said.

According to him, because the handling is still in the realm of investigation, his party cannot provide further explanation regarding the progress of handling the case.

Information gathered in the field, related to the progress of handling the case of the 5 percent fee for the Karawang DPRD member's thinking fund, the prosecutor's office has examined a number of officials in the legislative and executive institutions.

Among the parties who have been asked for information related to the handling of the case are the leadership of the Karawang DPRD, the Karawang Regency Budget Team, a number of DPRD members from the PKB faction, and others.

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