
BANDAR LAMPUNG - The Mobile Brigade Unit (Satbrimob) of the Lampung Police held a counter-terrorism simulation to increase the ability of personnel to be able to immediately follow up quickly and precisely in the event of terror.

"The simulation is an agenda for routine unit training that is usually held," said the Lampung Police Satbrimob Commander, Kombes Wahyu Widiarso Suprapto, in Bandar Lampung, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 22.

This routine exercise by the Lampung Police Satbrimob aims to provide the ability, knowledge, and coordination between units to carry out a handling of countermeasures against terrorist attacks and criminals who use firearms and explosives.

"This activity is very necessary due to the still rampant high-intensity crime in the form of acts of terror and terrorist network groups which are still active in Indonesia and Lampung," he said.

Kombes Wahyu explained that the exercise carried out was the release of hostages in a black Toyota Kijang minibus with Pol No. B 9999 RS which had been identified.

"Following this, the Lampung Police Satbrimbob Wanteror Team carried out a chase using two tactical vehicles and 10 motorized vehicles," he said.

During the pursuit exercise, the armed group continued to fire, which made the situation on Jalan Kartini in Bandar Lampung City tense and triggered panic among the people along the road.

"The chase stopped right in front of the Kartini Mall, where the Wanteror Team took decisive action. With the team's agility, the armed group was finally paralyzed and took control of the situation in a very short time," he said.

He said the exercise which ended with a simulation was expected to be applied by personnel in every task they would face.

"This activity is expected to make Brimob professional and ready to face the challenges of increasingly difficult tasks in the future," said Kombes Wahyu.

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