
MEDAN - Two men who stole the fence of the Al Mahsun Grand Mosque, Medan City, were arrested by the police. While in action, the two perpetrators used an electric grinder to cut the fence of the mosque.

The head of the Medan City Police, Kompol Rikki Ramadhan, said the two perpetrators arrested were PP (33) and PS (34). The actions of the two perpetrators of stealing the iron fence of the Great Mosque of Medan were carried out on Sunday, October 10, 2021.

"At that time the suspect PS entered the Grand Mosque complex. Using an electric grinder, PS cut the fence in the mosque complex," said Commissioner Rikki, Thursday, June 22.

After cutting the mosque fence, PS went to call his friend PP. Then the two of them went back into the Grand Mosque complex.

"Furthermore, the suspect immediately lifted the iron fence that had been cut earlier onto the rickshaw. Then the two immediately took the fence," he explained.

As a result of the actions of the two suspects who stole the fence, the Medan Grand Mosque suffered losses of up to IDR 3.5 million. Knowing that the mosque fence was stolen, the victim, Mokhtar Rasidi, immediately reported it to the Medan City Police.

"From the results of the investigation, officers received information that one of the perpetrators was a man named PS. Then the officers searched for PS and arrested him on Thursday, June 9," he said.

Kompol Rikki explained that when questioned by the police, PS admitted that he had stolen the mosque fence with his colleague PP.

"Then the officers immediately went to PP and secured him. Now the two suspects have been secured at the Medan City Police for examination," he said.

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