
JAKARTA - The DPR will host the 8th Group of 20 Parliamentary Speakers Summit (P20) event. The Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, who will lead the forum for the Parliamentary Chairs of the G20 countries, is believed to be able to carry out Indonesia's agenda nicely.

The 8th P20 Summit will be held in a series with the G20 High Level Conference (KTT) where Indonesia this year becomes the presidency in the multilateral forum. In addition to discussing global issues, each member of the G20 is likely to bring their own country's agenda.

A lecturer at the Faculty of Communication at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), Silvanus Alvin considered that a charismatic leader was needed in order to consolidate the P20 members. In this way, the Indonesian parliament can bring a message to the world regarding domestic agendas.

"The figure of Puan Maharani, who is a Soekarno breed, I believe can be an excellent and modest political communicator," said Silvanus Alvin, Wednesday, June 22.

In addition, Puan herself already has quite a name in international political forums. This can be seen, for example, when Indonesia hosted the 144th Session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) last March, where Puan's leadership was recognized and appreciated by the countries of the world parliamentary forum.

“And from various reviews, the leadership and a number of IPU members stated that they were looking forward to being able to attend P20. It means that Puan's communication when she was the leader of the 144th IPU Assembly was successful," said Alvin.

Furthermore, the Political Communication expert assessed that the P20 event could not be viewed as a complementary activity to the G20 Summit. According to Alvin, the P20 event is quite important to show Indonesia's position in the eyes of the world.

"The P20 event can be one of the events that shows Indonesia's fangs in the eyes of the world," he said.

Puan's position as Chair of the women's House of Representatives is also considered to be able to convey a message to the world. Puan can be a symbol that Indonesia puts a high priority on gender equality and the involvement of women in public policy.

"The presence of Puan Maharani as the first female DPR Speaker in Indonesia in a non-verbal and implicit manner shows that the Indonesian political system is not inclined to patriarchy but is rooted in egalitarianism," said Alvin.

The P20 Summit which will be held on 6-7 October can also be a momentum to show the solidarity of the factions in the DPR. Alvin said this solidarity shows that stakeholders, including members of the House of Representatives, prioritize nationalist feelings for the smooth running and success of Indonesia in the world's elite forum.

"Through P20, the DPR can be an example to the public that political affairs are not just about narrative noise, but rather show the spirit of Indonesian unity to support the global agenda, especially in overcoming the ongoing global multicrisis," said the lecturer at the Distance Learning Study Program at UMN.

On the other hand, Alvin said that the existence of parliament as a partner of the government would complement each other in international forums. He reminded that the DPR's functions related to legislation, budgeting, and supervision could be carried out through parliamentary diplomacy.

“Executives can move as long as there are clear rules and budgets regulated in them. In that context, the role of parliament must be in synergy with the executive. Don't forget that this needs to be followed by supervision so that it goes according to what has been determined, "explained Alvin.

The Master's graduate from the University of Leicester, England said, the P20 Summit will certainly produce concrete points because this activity gets the world's attention. Therefore, said Alvin, the role of the DPR as the host will be very large.

"The success of the P20 will not only be the success of the DPR, but will be the success and pride of the entire population of Indonesia," he said.

As is known, Puan invites the parliaments of P20 countries to work together to solve various crises that are currently facing the world. Because the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a multi-crisis.

“Nowadays all the problems of our world are interconnected. Various global problems cannot be solved by one country or by one party alone," said Puan at the Kickoff the 8th P20 Summit, Wednesday (15/6).

Puan said that joint work, collaboration and mutual assistance between countries were needed in the form of international cooperation. In addition, it also requires the involvement of various stakeholders across sectors, especially in the security, political, economic, and social sectors. “Each country has the capacity and capability to deal with the risk of crisis threats. Through joint work, collaboration, and mutual assistance between countries, it is hoped that each country can increase the responsiveness of each country to tackle global problems," explained Puan. "We can only do this if we treat the G20 Forum Session with a strong commitment to save the fate of the world which is determined by the decisions we will make," added the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan reminded that people from all countries have high hopes for the G20 to contribute in solving various crises that hit the world. P20 is said to be able to play a role in providing parliamentary perspectives on global issues.

“To contribute in bridging differences between countries because parliament is part of the solution. Then strengthen the interaction and networking between the parliamentary Speakers of the G20 countries and partner countries," he explained.

Puan hopes that the P20 will produce a mutual agreement that can encourage concrete action in solving various existing global problems. The P20 agreement, according to Puan, will be a manifestation of the commitment of the G20 countries to build a healthy and safe world.

“We are trying to build a world, where everyone can live in peace. We are trying to build a world, where there is justice and prosperity for everyone," concluded Puan.

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