
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that statistics on the achievements of Jakarta's development are not more important than the happiness of the people themselves.

This he conveyed in the mandate of the inspector of ceremonies during the commemoration ceremony for the 495th anniversary of the City of Jakarta at the Plaza Selatan National Monument (Monas) this morning.

"We have repeatedly advised that using statistical figures to show progress is good and important. But giving happiness to residents for progress is much more important," said Anies, Wednesday, June 22.

According to Anies, how good the statistical results obtained by the DKI Provincial Government are, it does not mean that the citizens of the capital city do not feel happy in their lives. Anies also claimed that the residents of Jakarta had found this happiness.

"These statistics are only meaningful when families in Jakarta express their gratitude. Alhamdulillah, that's how we felt for the past few years. Extraordinary hard work. God willing, this will all be recorded as part of our role to protect and advance Jakarta. ," said Anies.

On this occasion, Anies also said that Jakarta still has the opportunity to become a city that is increasingly developed and developing.

The condition of Jakarta, which is now almost 500 years old, according to him, does not mean that his staff only looks back at the history and achievements of Jakarta from the beginning until now.

"Jakarta, which is almost 500 years old, is an age not only to look back on. But, use this as an opportunity to look forward. Let's imagine our city being a city that becomes a reference for all. A city where people come here feel happy," said Anies.

It is known that the Jakarta 495th Anniversary commemoration ceremony was also attended by DKI Jakarta Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria, officials from regional work units (SKPD), and officials from the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda). Anies and DKI Provincial Government officials wore Betawi suits and Betawi kebayas.

A number of representatives of DKI Provincial Government employees from various SKPDs, colorful troops, Abang None throughout Jakarta, to representatives of the TNI-Pori participated in the ceremony with a membership of up to 1,000 people.

The ceremony opened with the singing of the national anthem Indonesia Raya, a moment of silence, the reading of the Pancasila text, the reading of the text of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, followed by a ceremonial message from Anies as the ceremony inspector.

After Anies read the ceremony's mandate, it was followed by a prayer reading, before the ceremony was completed. Then, the drumming action of the Gita Abdi Praga band was performed.

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