
REJANG LEBONG - Regional Secretary of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu, Yusran Fauzi, said that former officials had not returned five official cars belonging to the local government.

"The findings from the 2021 BPK examination are five units of four-wheeled service vehicles that have not been returned by former regional officials," said Yusran Fauzi, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 21.

He explained that the regional assets in the form of official vehicles that had not been returned were originally 15 units, then after a persuasive withdrawal, the remaining 9 units had not been returned, and finally there were 5 more units that had not been returned.

"There are official vehicles that are still in use and there are also those whose official reports have not yet been made administratively. If there are those who return them, we will accept them and make an official report of the handover," he explained.

To control the existence of regionally owned assets, he added, the Rejang Lebong Regency Government had previously carried out data collection and control efforts so that there were no more unregistered or misappropriated assets.

Meanwhile, there was one user of an official vehicle belonging to the Rejang Lebong Regency Government who was investigated by Bengkulu Police investigators, he said, it was not known who reported it because the case was only to follow up on BPK's findings, the resolution of which was carried out in a persuasive manner.

Robert, a resident of Batu Galing Village, Central Curup Sub-district, a user of an official vehicle belonging to the local regency government who is being investigated by Bengkulu Police investigators, objected to the summoning of him along with several other people.

"Everything has an introduction, a verbal or written notification to myself in the form of a letter or an oral. This hasn't happened at all, suddenly I got a call from the Bengkulu Police. Until this moment I don't know who reported me," said Robert .

The official vehicle he used was originally given because he was previously a success team for the Regent and Deputy Regent elected in the 2019 Pilkada.

He considered the use of the official car as a reward. However, Robert did not expect that the use of the official car would end up being summoned by the police on charges of embezzling assets.

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