
BULELENG - Deputy Governor of Bali Tjok. Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati (Cok Ace), is grateful for the establishment of Sumberklampok Village, Gerokgak District, Buleleng Regency, Bali, as a pilot village as well as a recipient of empowerment assistance as a result of cross-ministerial integration for agrarian reform.

"The first phase of agrarian reform in Sumberklampok Village has succeeded in completing the redistribution of assets, namely the granting of land rights and at the same time the distribution of land certificates to the people of Sumberklampok Village for free who are the subjects of agrarian reform, namely a total of 1,613 property rights certificates for 912 families," said Cok Ace. at the handover of 21 empowerment programs resulting from cross-ministerial integration in Sumberklampok Village, Tuesday, June 21.

He stated that after the first phase was completely completed, today continued with the redistribution of access to economic resources so that citizens who have obtained land rights can develop productive efforts to improve people's living standards.

His party also asked the community members and the Village Head of Sumberklampok to be able to maintain, manage and care for this agrarian reform as well as possible to improve the welfare of life and the economy of the local community.

"Because Sumberklampok Village was selected as a pilot village for the empowerment program for agrarian reform, and a number of steps have been determined to accelerate the implementation of the empowerment program with 21 programs carried out in an integrated manner by involving cross-ministerial affairs," he said.

The 21 programs include, 11 program activities under the control of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), 4 activities from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, 5 activities from the Ministry of Agriculture, 1 activity from the Ministry of Villages for Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, to social mapping by the Ministry of ATR/ BPN in the form of program implementation in the form of training, mentoring, and assistance.

"Some of them also have 100 Bali cattle, construction of fishery facilities and infrastructure, and digital marketing training for micro-enterprises," he said.

Meanwhile, Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said that Sumberklampok Village had priority to determine the steps to accelerate the implementation of the empowerment program in Sumberklampok Village. As a result, 21 programs were agreed to be carried out in an integrated manner by involving cross-ministerials.

"The government does not only submit land certificates, but can also distribute aid in the form of capital, seeds, fertilizers, training so that the land cultivated by the beneficiaries of agrarian reform can be more productive and provide results to help provide results for the lives of local people," he said. .

"So after being mapped out, this agrarian reform empowerment program and all that are in accordance with what is needed by the residents, the assistance funds reach Rp. 10 billion rupiah," he said.

In addition, his party also expressed optimism that the agrarian reform empowerment program in Sumberklampok Village could be successful and be an inspiration for empowerment in other areas.

"The empowerment program has been adapted to the needs of the people here. I am sure this program will be successful and be an inspiration for other regions," he said.

Previously, the Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster, together with the Ministry of ATR/BPN, and the Regional Office of the BPN, Bali Province, resolved a long agrarian conflict that lasted for 61 years or has been in conflict since 1960 and was successfully resolved by realizing the redistribution of land covering an area of 458.7 hectares in the form of the submission of 1,613 certificates. carried out in two stages, namely 800 certificates on 18 May 2021 and 813 certificates on 21 September 2021.

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