
JAKARTA - Two gangs of criminals specializing in motorcycle theft managed to rob a motorcycle belonging to a resident on Jalan Rawamangun 10, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta, Tuesday, June 21. The perpetrator's actions were caught on CCTV cameras at the scene.

According to information gathered, the two perpetrators came by motorbike to Jalan Rawamangun 10, Pulogadung, East Jakarta. One of the perpetrators got off the motorbike and monitored the housing situation of the residents.

After the situation was deemed safe enough, the perpetrator entered one of the residents' houses and grabbed one of the victim's automatic motorcycle units. The victim parked his motorbike on the terrace at the time of the incident.

"Theft of a motorbike, the two thieves rode a motorbike. One went down and opened the door. (Stolen) a white beat Honda motorbike, parked on the terrace in a locked condition," said Ria, the victim's mother, to reporters, Tuesday, June 21.

However, when they managed to get their target motorbike, the perpetrators failed to start the motorbike engine so they were forced to push it.

"(motor ignition key) was forcibly dismantled, it didn't work. When I was about to leave, I didn't think the motor was turned on," he said.

The theft occurred at around 05.50 WIB when the atmosphere was getting light.

"The perpetrator entered, the fence was not locked so immediately took it. The incident (the theft) lasted 10 minutes.

As a result of the theft, the victim admitted that he had made a police report at the Pulogadung Police

"I have made a police report," he said.

The theft has occurred almost three times at the victim's house.

"There have been three (theft incidents) in different years. No one (who was arrested), theft of car mirrors occurred 2 times in the morning and evening," he said.

Currently, the police have arrived at the location to ask for information from the victim and collect evidence. The case is still under investigation by the Pulogadung Police.

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