
JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, has asked the government to immediately optimize social assistance programs, especially since the prices of various food commodities ahead of Eid al-Adha start to climb.

“Mothers are screaming now. The majority of food prices have soared quite high, and this must be addressed immediately to ensure the welfare of the people," said Puan, Tuesday, June 21.

Food commodity prices are known to have started to rise since the Eid al-Fitr period. However, it has not stabilized yet, the prices of basic necessities have soared again.

Like the price of cayenne pepper, which has now reached Rp. 130 thousand/kg. Then the price of shallots rose to Rp. 60,000/kg from the previous Rp. 40,000/kg.

Price increases also occurred for eggs and chicken meat, tomatoes, and other vegetables. Puan asked the government to intervene immediately, especially since the price of cooking oil in the market has not yet fallen.

"The government, through the relevant ministries, must take appropriate steps to stabilize the prices of basic necessities, which are already very troubling to the public," said Puan in her official statement.

Puan said, a breakthrough is needed in the distribution process of food commodities from production centers to areas in need. That way the supply of food needs does not experience inequality which is one of the causes of price increases.

"Policy makers in the trade and food sectors must be able to synergize in overcoming the problem of rising food prices," said Puan.

Furthermore, the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture urged the government to optimize the provision of social assistance for the poor. Because according to Puan, the high price of basic needs will have an impact on people's lives, especially the poor.

“The Central Government immediately coordinates with the Regional Government regarding the implementation of social assistance programs that function as a social safety net for the poor and vulnerable people. Immediately realize the assistance that is still pending, such as the salary subsidy BLT for workers," said Puan.

"The state must be able to ensure that people can access basic commodities easily and at affordable prices ahead of the Eid al-Adha holiday," he added.

On the other hand, Puan appreciated the Government's plan to provide additional energy and electricity subsidies. He hoped that the same initiative would apply to other aid programs.

"This includes ensuring that the Family Hope Program (PKH) funds are channeled properly to the people who are entitled to it," concluded Puan.

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