
JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has already pocketed several names to support as presidential candidates in the 2024 General Election. However, PKS has yet to reveal the names to the public. PKS Secretary General Aboe Bakal Alhabsyi said that his party is currently still following political developments, including exploring coalitions. with political parties. PKS, he said, opened the door for cooperation with any political party. "From the beginning, before the milad, we started. Our KIB also followed, but we didn't want to go inside and it was locked, so we finally moved. We hoped that PKS would deliver Axis 3, because we didn't want 2 Axles. So we asked PKB to walk, then it appeared. red ants," Aboe said during a press conference after the PKS National Meeting in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 21. Apart from PKB, said Aboe, PKS is also exploring communication with NasDem. The plan is on Wednesday, June 22, tomorrow PKS will visit Surya Paloh's party office in Gondangdia, Jakarta. Regarding the name of the presidential candidate, according to him, what matters is the compatibility of the coalition. Even though at the last National Working Meeting, NasDem favored Governor Anies Baswedan, the same as the internal PKS cadres who wanted the former Minister of Education and Culture to be supported as a presidential candidate. "We have also approached the NasDem Party at the same time. This takes time, the name is matchmaking and making love cannot be rushed, Jokowi said. So slowly," said Aboe.

Aboe said that the coalition's matchmaking had been arranged at the last PKS Milad event. Whichever is most closely related to PKS, then that is the one who will be invited to form a coalition.

"The moment that PKS made in the milad setting, we invite them and we offer it, we will go to which one is closest to us, we will start first because there is still a long time, still 600 days," he said.

"But we don't want last minute political deals. We want political deals to be seen from the start. Whatever happens, where does it develop, left to right is given freedom. We don't bind each other. To whom we are in coalition, you have seen everything," concluded Aboe.

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