
PADANG - A total of seven pilgrims embarking on Padang, West Sumatra, are currently being treated in the Holy Land due to illness. They are now under the care of a doctor.

"Hopefully the pilgrims in this treatment will recover soon and return to the group to carry out worship together, for other pilgrims, let's maintain health and reduce mobility before the peak of the pilgrimage," said Head of the Hajj and Umrah Organization (PHU) of the West Sumatra Ministry of Religion Joben in Padang, as reported by Antara. , Monday, June 20.

He mentioned that the congregation who was sick and was being treated at the Mecca Health Office for Hajj Indonesia (KKHI), namely Awaludin Syamsudin, aged 63, had a fever, sore throat and weakness from the Padang 01 group.

Second, Maiyusra Burhanudin, 57 years old, experienced stomach acid pain with symptoms such as weakness, vomiting and difficulty eating, also from the Padang 01 group.

Then there are two hajj candidates for group 03 who are currently under the care of KKHI, on behalf of Abdul Halim, 57 years old, from Batu Ampa, Akabiluru, Limapuluh Kota Regency.

Then the Indonesian Hajj Guidance Team (TPIHI) on behalf of Ma'rufin Ihsan, was being treated by a doctor at the hotel and was given an IV.

For Group 4, there are two pilgrims who are being treated, namely Ade Merina bint Agustailani from Ranah Batahan Pasaman Barat with complaints of toothache, inflamed gums, swollen cheeks.

Then Erlin, a congregation from Kinali, was referred to the hospital with complaints of dementia or a decrease in memory and way of thinking.

Furthermore, another one came from the Padang 05 group on behalf of Asmaniar, 63 years old, having his address at Jalan Adinegoro Kampai Tabu Kerambil, Solok City.

"Currently his condition has improved, previously blood sugar had increased," he said.

Meanwhile, one Padang embarkation hajj on behalf of Bangun Wahid Lubis (59) manifest number 262 died in Medina from Pasaman who was a member of Flying Group IV.

The total number of pilgrims who departed from the Padang embarkation in 2022 was 2,883 people, consisting of 8 groups.

Of the 2,883 people, 2,106 came from West Sumatra, 747 from Bengkulu and 30 hajj officers.

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