
JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) said that the notion that the Khilafatul Muslimin organization spread to students at their school to hate the state was very deviant. In fact, it is considered a serious and systematic crime.

"We are taught by scholars to love the country partly from faith in order to fight colonialism, the ideology that is currently circulating teaches the nation to hate its own nation, this is not possible," said Head of BNPT Komjen Boy Rafli Amar at the Aryaduta Hotel, Central Jakarta, Monday, June 20.

Therefore, Boy said that this problem should be the focus of the solution. Because, many generations of nations have been indoctrinated.

BNPT will also cooperate with related parties to take mitigation steps and guide children who have been caught in this understanding.

"We have to take care of the children, we give good explanations, provide education channels that the state can do, we coordinate with local governments, the central government so that those whose schools are closed can find good school solutions," said Boy Rafli.

Previously, the Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi said that Khilafatul Muslimin had a foundation or educational institution. At least, there are 31 schools that teach the concept of the caliphate and are not in accordance with the national education system.

"They have 25 Islamic boarding schools, while yes. However, if you count the units because there are levels, they consist of 31," said Hengki.

Dozens of schools teach that those who oppose the caliphate are marked as opponents who must be fought or feared.

"Then it is also taught here that the known system is the caliphate. Outside the caliphate is the tagut, or devil, the devil," said Hengki.

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