
JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) responded to the news of the 'affair' of its partner in the Red Ant Coalition, the National Awakening Party (PKB) secretly meeting Gerindra on Saturday, June 18, evening. It turned out that PKS was aware of the plan of PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar to meet Gerindra chairman Prabowo Subianto at his residence. PKS also hoped that PKB could bring Gerindra to join the Red Ant Coalition. But in reality, PKB actually made another agreement with Gerindra by forming the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition. It will even invite the Democratic Party to join the coalition. "If PKB yesterday, after meeting with Pak Prabowo, said it would invite PKS and Democrats to join there, but from our side, we hope that PKB will come to Gerindra to bring Gerindra to join the Red Ant," said Deputy Chair of the PKS Syuro Council. Sohibul Iman, told reporters on the sidelines of the PKS National Meeting in Jakarta, Monday, June 20. However, Sohibul understands that both PKB and PKS are still in the stage of exploring communication with other political parties. So that PKS did not feel disappointed when PKB also conducted 'PDKT' to Gerindra. Because PKS is also doing the same thing.

"This is indeed the dynamics of the coalition that has caught all of our attention. These are phases of exploring the coalition, therefore our communication is not limited. We are also communicating with all parties. We are communicating with Democrats, NasDem and then also with PKB. there is a difference in intensity," explained Sohibul.

Sohibul admitted that the intensity of PKS communication was very strong with PKB before meeting with Gerindra. Until finally initiated the Red Ant Coalition. However, he stressed, the coalition has not yet disbanded. "But this is all an assessment of everything. So I think it's still fluid. There is no such term that has been finalized and this has been disbanded, nothing, this is all an assessment, yes, later the intensity will certainly determine on the field," Sohibul said.

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