
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) from the PSI faction, Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, asked the Governor of DKI Jakarta to replace the Formula E event next year.

This is because it turns out that the commitment fee for Formula E that must be paid for the implementation of 2022, 2023, and 2024 is more than IDR 560 billion, as claimed by the DKI Provincial Government. BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) must add IDR 90.7 billion to cover the shortfall in commitment fee costs.

"There is a digital track record of PT Jakpro having stated that the commitment fee for three years is IDR 560 billion, now the fact is that we have to pay another IDR 90.7 billion", Anggara said in his statement, Monday, June 20.

In fact, Jakpro itself is experiencing losses for three consecutive years. It was recorded that Jakpro experienced an operating loss of IDR 76.22 billion in 2019, IDR 240 billion in 2020, and IDR 110 billion in 2021.

From this condition, Anggara is worried that Jakpro will not be able to pay the remaining commitment fee which is no longer charged from the Regional Budget (APBD). "It is not certain that Jakpro can pay because in 2019 and 2020 it was a loss", said Anggara.

Thus, Anggara is worried that the implementation of Formula E in the following year will burden the Acting Governor who will serve from October 2022 to 2024 later.

"These various uncertainties, which in my opinion, will pose a risk to the Acting Governor of DKI later if they continue with Formula E. They may be trapped by the darkness of the Formula E program", he said.

As is known, in the BPK examination report (LHP) on the 2021 DKI Jakarta Provincial Government financial statements, it was revealed that the commitment fee according to the results of the PT Jakpro renegotiation was not IDR 560 billion.

The Audit Result Report (LHP) of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) revealed that the actual commitment fee was around IDR 653 billion or £36 million. This was found by BPK in the revised feasibility study document which was compiled by Jakpro.

In the document, it is stated that there is still a lack of commitment fee payments of IDR 90.7 billion or the equivalent of 5 million pounds. The agreement is that PT Jakpro will pay for the shortfall from company funds. This is different from the commitment fee that has been paid in the amount of IDR 560 billion through the APBD.

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