
JAKARTA - The Regent of Muna, Southeast Sulawesi, La Ode Muhammad Rusman Emba denied that he had ever met and discussed the application for regional national economic recovery funds (PEN) with the former Director General (Dirjen) of Regional Finance Development at the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), Mochamad Ardian Noervianto.

He delivered this rebuttal after he was questioned by investigators from the anti-corruption commission today, Monday, June 20.

"I've never met Pak Ardian. I've never met him," Rusman told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Monday, June 20.

He also emphasized that he did not know anything about the bribery incident carried out by the Head of the Muna Laode Regency Environment Service, M Syukur Akbar. "They go their own way," he said.

As for the examination, Rusman admitted that investigators were given 20 questions. He also confirmed that his younger brother, LM Rusdianto Emba, was the new suspect in this case.

"Yes (LM Rusdianto Emba is a suspect, ed)," he said briefly.

As previously reported, the KPK has developed a case of alleged bribery of PEN funds. A new suspect has been named but who they are has not been revealed.

The determination of the suspect was carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. There are two pieces of evidence that are sufficient to ensnare them.

However, the announcement of the suspects will be made at a press conference that coincides with the forced detention.

Rusman is actually scheduled to be questioned on Wednesday, June 15. However, he was not present so investigators rescheduled.

In this case, a number of witnesses have been examined. They have been asked for information, including the participation of related parties in managing PEN funds which led to the practice of bribery.

This has been investigated from several witnesses for some time, namely the former Head of the East Kolaka Research and Development Bappeda Mustakim Darwis; Staff Bangwil BAPPEDA R & D Kab. Kolaka Timur Harisman; honorary in the General Section of the East Kolaka Regency Government, Hermawansyah; Director of PT Muria Wajo Mandiri Mujeri Dachri Muchlis; and an entrepreneur named Syahrir alias Erik.

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