
BENGKULU - A traditional gold miner in Lebong Regency, Bengkulu, died under a landslide while carrying out his activities.

Lebong Police Chief AKBP Awilzan said the incident occurred in one of the mining pits in Lebong Village, North Lebong District, Lebong Regency.

"This incident occurred on Sunday, June 19, 2022, at around 3 p.m. WIT, located in Kaler Hamlet, Lebong Tambang Village, Lebong Utara District, Lebong Regency," he said, quoted by Antara, Monday, June 20.

He explained that as a result of this incident, a traditional gold miner (crate) on behalf of Suyadi alias Kancil (50), a resident of Dusun II Pondok Cina, Lebong Tambang Village, North Lebong District, was buried under the cover.

The chronology of the incident, started at around 12.30 WIB, the victim and 3 colleagues were collecting materials or dregs on their own land in the river, suddenly a landslide and piled up the victim while he was collecting soil material.

This victim, he said, was buried under avalanche material for 15 minutes and then released by his colleague assisted by the community around the incident location and then taken to the Muara Aman Health Center.

The condition of the victim when he was brought to the health center was in a lifeless condition. His family took him to the Ujung Tanjung Hospital, Lebong Regency, and was declared dead.

According to him, after being declared dead the victim was then taken to a funeral home. The victim himself was buried by his family on Friday afternoon (19/6).

"Reskrim officers from the North Lebong Sector Police have carried out a crime scene investigation. From a medical examination, no injuries were found on the victim's body. The victim died, allegedly due to lack of oxygen when buried in the ground," he explained.

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