
TABANAN - There are five foreign nationals (WNA) who became victims of a deadly accident in Tabanan, Bali.

The five foreign nationals boarded the AVP car with the police number DK 1129 ABF driven by a driver with the status of an Indonesian citizen.

"For the AVP, the driver is an Indonesian citizen and five foreigners," said Head of Traffic at Tabanan Police AKP Kanisius Franata, Monday, June 20.

After experiencing an accident, the five foreigners were treated at the Semara Rati Hospital, Tabanan. They were then referred to Siloam Hospital.

"Three people (foreigners) have gone home, only two are left and they are in a conscious condition. Because yesterday two people were still under observation, then both of them had entered the inpatient room," he added.

"The other three (foreigners) have returned and do not want to be asked for information," he said.

The accident occurred when the tourist bus headed for Denpasar from Singaraja.

While crossing, the bus lost control and crashed into a number of vehicles. The bus driver has been named a suspect.

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