
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani confirmed that his party and the National Awakening Party (PKB) cooperated in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

He said two party chairmen, namely Prabowo Subianto and PKB chairman Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin, had agreed.

"Yes, Pak Prabowo and Pak Muhaimin have agreed to work together in the 2024 presidential election," Muzani told reporters at the ACLC KPK Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Monday, June 20.

Muzani said the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition would later work together in the upcoming presidential election. Meanwhile, when he was asked about the presidential candidates who would be promoted from these two parties, he emphasized that of course Prabowo.

"Prabowo president," he shouted.

Previously, Cak Imin and Prabowo Subianto met on Saturday night, June 18 yesterday. This meeting was held at Prabowo's residence, Kertanegara, South Jakarta.

From the results of the meeting, PKB claimed together with Gerindra to have initiated the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition.

Deputy Secretary of the PKB DPP Syuro Council Maman Imanulhaq said the coalition was an effort to show the seriousness of PKB and Gerindra to win the 2024 election. In fact, according to him, Prabowo and Cak Imin could be the ideal partner for the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

"As the general chairman of the party, both Gus Muhaimin and Pak Prabowo, of course, they open wide communication channels. If later the Prabowo-Gus Muhaimin pair becomes a coalition, this is good news for all of us because both of them are the nation's best cadres and ideal partners for the greater Indonesia," Maman said in a statement. his statement, Monday, June 20.

Maman said he was happy with the intensive communication between PKB and Gerindra. Moreover, he said, if Prabowo-Cak Imin was carried by a coalition in the upcoming presidential election.

"When I was asked to lead a prayer in front of Mbah Dim's grave, I remembered that Indonesia must have a strong synergy of leaders, nationalist-religious, military and civilian, so the faces of Pak Prabowo and Gus Muhaimin came to mind at that time," he said.

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