
JAKARTA - A total of five companies in Bengkayang Regency were sanctioned by the Bengkayang District Court in the form of fines for criminal acts of labor violations.

"They were fined for not carrying out regular health checks, using steam planes without a permit and not forming an occupational safety and health committee (P2K3)," said Head of the Manpower and Transmigration Office of West Kalimantan Province, Manto quoting Antara, Sunday, June 19.

The five companies are PT CP 1, PT WDBP 2, PT WDBP PKS 4, PT LL PKS and PT LL 1.

Manto said the fine was determined in a trial held on June 16, 2022 at the Bengkayang District Court.

The prosecutors in this trial are the Civil Servant Investigators of the Manpower and Transmigration Office of West Kalimantan Province, namely Tri Djatiningsih, Bernadeta Sri Rusmiyati, Telaga, Harri Muliawan, Ervansius Hendra Gomesdy and Muhammad Furqan.

Manto said that the enforcement of labor law is an effort of Repressive Justitia, namely a forced effort through the Court Institution by conducting an investigation process by the Labor Inspector as PPNS.

"After the development efforts are not complied with by the company/management/employer. With this law enforcement we hope that all companies/entrepreneurs/employers comply with all labor norms, both work norms and K3 (Occupational Health and Safety) norms, and if they face obstacles, they are ready to provide coaching and assistance," he said.

It was also stated that prior to law enforcement an inspection was carried out by West Kalimantan labor inspectors, Shinta Rika and Erbina, in June 2021 and provided guidance through Inspection Notes 1 and 2, but the company has not carried out its obligations.

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