
JAKARA - Head of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Commissioner General (Komjen) of Police Boy Rafli Amar said the success of reducing radicalism in the demographic bonus era became a crucial point towards a golden Indonesia 2045.

"In the future, this demographic bonus will determine the sustainability of the country," said Head of BNPT Komjen Police Boy Rafli Amar, quoting Antara, Sunday, June 19.

He said that handling the demographic bonus properly will make Indonesia's productivity soar, precisely 100 years after Indonesia's independence in 2045.

According to Boy Rafli, Indonesia has entered the era of demographic bonus. This means that the productive age population is more dominant than the non-productive age population.

"Human resources are not only required to have good 'hard skills', but also good manners," said Boy Rafli.

He said one thing to watch out for was the radical propaganda of terrorism on social media. The group likes to share narratives of violence on social media.

"We must anticipate the invitation of terror groups that put forward narratives of violence," he said.

The former Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters stated the dangers of the influence of radical terrorism. Through narratives in the name of religion, this group often gets public acceptance.

To anticipate this, BNPT will continue to cooperate with interfaith leaders. The goal is to jointly educate and invite the public to be sensitive to propaganda or invitations to radical groups.

He added that the religious narrative echoed by the terror group justifies violence against fellow human beings. This is clearly not in accordance with the rules of religion and the principles of the state.

Finally, Boy invites all elements of society to be aware if certain parties invite them through violent means.

"The methods of violence are not compatible with religious values, the principles of the nation and state based on Pancasila, legal values and the nation's moral ethics," he said.

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