
IKN-Golkar Party shows its strong commitment in supporting the development of the capital of the archipelago in East Kalimantan. Saturday (6/18/2022), General Chairperson of Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto, brought the banyan party officials to visit the new capital city.

"The construction of this IKN is expected to be carried out properly and completed on time, according to President Joko Widodo's order that the Independence Day ceremony on August 17, 2024 will be held in the capital of the archipelago," said Airlangga.

According to Airlangga, the IKN development itself is a national mega project. "This is not an ordinary project, so it must be carried out thoroughly," said Airlangga.

The Coordinating Minister for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia also saw a dam at IKN whose construction has reached 55 percent.

“Everywhere, water is a source of livelihood, which is also the infrastructure of the new capital. It is hoped that with this finished infrastructure, it is hoped that this city can be built, become the central city of government, the center of the symbol of the future city, "said Airlangga.

Airlangga also stated that Golkar's support is the joint support of all political parties in Indonesia, because the IKN project itself has become a law.

"What is being built is not the city of Penajam Paser Utara, but what is being built is the future of Indonesia," concluded Airlangga.

To show this commitment, Airlangga and other high-ranking Golkar officials visited IKN. “The Golkar Party is the first political party to come with a complete board in the new capital city. This shows the Golkar Party's commitment to the IKN development sustainability plan," said Airlangga while visiting IKN.

Airlangga also hopes that the IKN development will continue to be carried out properly according to the plan that has been prepared.

Airlangga, who had the opportunity to see the new capital's field in the afternoon, was also accompanied by Golkar Party officials. Starting from the Secretary General of Golkar Lodewijk Paulus who is also the Deputy Chair of the DPR, the Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita and Nurul Arifin, the Deputy Head of Golkar for Communication and Information.

There was also Meutya Hafid, Chairman of Commission I of the DPR, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, Chair of Commission II of the DPR RI, and Hetifah Sjaifudian, a senior member of Commission X who was present to accompany Airlangga in their respective duties as members of the DPR RI.

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