
TANGERANG - Two teenage boys and girls became victims of mobile phone robbery at a pecel catfish stall in the Sukadiri area, Tangerang Regency. Through CCTV footage, the perpetrator, who was using a motorbike and carrying a sharp weapon, suddenly approached the victim and took the cellphone that was being used.

The victim fell and fought back by throwing a chair. But the effort did not make his valuables Return. The perpetrator managed to escape.

Mauk Police Chief AKP Yono Taryono admitted that his party had not yet received a report about the incident. Therefore, he asked the victim to make a police report, so that they can be followed up.

"There has been no report to us. He asked the victim to make a report, so that it would be followed up," Yono told VOI, Friday, June 17.

However, Taryono said that his members would investigate the case by checking at the crime scene (TKP).

"Yes, that's right, so later my members will be checked first where the location of the crime scene is. Because there has been no report to us," said Yono.

Yono also said that the public was asked to remain vigilant, in order to prevent similar actions. In addition, his party will also increase routine patrols around the crime scene.

"People still have to be vigilant. We will also continue to carry out routine patrols," he concluded.

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