
JAKARTA - The 1706 joint mass action consisting of the Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI), GNPF Ulama and Alumni Brotherhood (PA) 212 held a congregational prayer in the middle of the road around the Indian Embassy in Kuningan, South Jakarta.

The demonstrators held a congregational prayer in the Rasuna Said slow lane, Setiabudi, South Jakarta. Starting with the Adhan at 15.03 WIB. Then they prayed until they finally prayed together.

Police officers were seen on guard at the location, and ensured that no vehicles passed through the area in front of the worshipers who were praying.

After holding prayers, the demonstrators regrouped and continued their demonstrations in the Indian Embassy area.

One of the residents, Zendy said he was carrying out the Asr congregational prayer. Because it is the responsibility of the Muslim community, even though he is demonstrating.

"We pray here, because of our obligation to surrender to Allah SWT. Hopefully with this implementation, we will make it easier for our business here," he concluded.

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