
JAKARTA - Former Minister of Youth and Sports Roy Suryo apologized for the noise caused by the polemic about the meme of the Borobudur Temple stupa resembling President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s face.

The telematics expert first thanked the mass media for reporting on the development of this case and reporting on three social media accounts to the police last night.

"Thank you to the media for broadcasting coverage of my attorney reporting last night at Polda Metro," wrote Roy Suryo on his Twitter account, @KRMTRoySuryo2, Friday 17 June.

The former Democrat Party politician then again apologized to all Buddhists and all people who were affected by the polemic over the meme about the Borobudur Temple stupa, which resembles President Jokowi's face.

According to Roy, the crowd caused by this meme was initiated by the provocation of the buzzer. However, Roy admitted that he was ready to bear the consequences of his actions in uploading the meme on his social media account.

"Although I have apologized for the noise caused by the buzzerRp provocation, whatever happens I am responsible, especially to Buddhists," he said.

As previously reported, Roy Suryo through his attorney, Pitra Romadoni, reported that three accounts uploaded the first meme of the Borobudur Temple stupa that resembled President Jokowi's face.

The report was submitted by Roy Suryo to the Polda Metro Jaya on Thursday, June 16, evening. Roy felt the report answered many who thought he was the first uploader of the meme. In fact, the image was actually obtained from social media.

Roy said the meme of the Borobudur Temple stupa similar to President Jokowi's face first appeared on June 7. Meanwhile, he uploaded on June 10.

"So what we report as victims are friends of the Indonesian Youth Congress and the people of Indonesia for being victims of a very unhealthy sheep-fight," said Roy Suryo when confirmed, Friday, June 17.

On that basis Roy reported the three accounts. Moreover, the report was carried out with the aim of helping the police.

Therefore, the report can be the basis for conducting an investigation. Until later the facts of the mastermind behind the meme are found.

Roy Suryo's report numbered LP/B/2970/VI/2022/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya. He accused the reported parties of violating Article 28 Paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 45 Paragraph 2 of the ITE Law regarding hate speech.

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