
JAKARTA - Police are still investigating a motorcycle theft case by a man claiming to be a member of the Indonesian Navy. Cilandak Police Chief Kompol Multazam Lisendra said his party was still investigating the case to reveal who the culprit was.

"It's still being investigated, if you've been arrested, you'll be notified," said Multazam via text message, Thursday, June 16.

Contacted separately, the owner of the motorbike, Arpan (38) said he hoped that the police would immediately arrest the perpetrators. So that the motor can be used again for work.

"What is certain is that people catch on quickly. Yes, they work with N MAX motorbikes. That is the result of hard work bought on credit (Nyicil)," said Arpan when confirmed.

Arpan, who works as a security guard at a company in Jakarta, is forced to work using an unfit motorbike.

"There is a Revo, only the front and rear brakes are stuck," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that Arpan was a victim of theft of a motorbike by a perpetrator who claimed to be a member of the TNI.

Arpan said the incident began when he was accompanying his son on Jalan Andara Raya, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Friday, June 3.

Suddenly, the perpetrator who claimed to be TNI at the Defense and Security at Pondok Labu arrived. At that time he offered Arpan a job.

"He offered me a job. "If you want to open a sales stall, just talk to me". I answered "yes, sir." I said yes, I just knew his name, then he asked for my number. I gave him," said Arpan when contacted, Monday, June 13.

"I've given it, chatted, I'm home. So he went home first, then it was me. Indeed, I saw the direction to Defense and Security (Pondok Labu), yes, I believe it, "he continued.

Arpan continued, on Saturday, June 4, the perpetrator contacted him by asking for his home address. The reason is wanting to know more closely.

"After I shared the loc, the next day I played, wearing full TNI clothes and weapons. He wants to play because he wants to have more brothers, because there are no relatives here. Say all kinds of things. He came home, "explained Arpan

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