
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) considers Khilafatul Muslimin and its teachings to only harm Muslims. This is because the organization uses religion as a camouflage for disgraceful acts.

"Apart from the legal side, this is very detrimental to Muslims. The language is religious language, the words of the caliphate, the words of Muslims, even though this is a package of truth but its content is full of falsehood," said Jakarta MUI Da'wah Division Head Ilyas Marwal to reporters, Thursday, June 16.

Ilyas considers Khilafatul Muslimin like a virus that spreads quickly. The concept of caliphate taught by the organization has now spread in Indonesia.

However, Ilyas did not deny the rapid spread of the concept of the caliphate was due to the lack of literacy from the community. So, they can enter and influence with an understanding that is claimed to be the truth.

"Therefore, what affects this is due to low literacy, then our reading interest is to understand Islam comprehensively according to the correct methodology, namely Wasathiyah Islam, moderate Islam, which we might call more general the teachings of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah," he said.

To the public, Ilyas hopes not to swallow the widely circulated information, including about religious knowledge. So, it is not easily influenced by deviant understanding or incitement.

"If our Muslim society truly understands moderate Islam, true Islam, Islam rahmatan lil alamin, with the teachings of the Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah faith, I believe that no matter how vicious the virus is, it will not be possible for Muslims to befall Muslims," said Ilyas.

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