
JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas ensured that the process of disbursing incentive allowances for non-civil servant madrasah teachers (PNS) will soon be disbursed gradually starting June 2022, as a form of government presence for educators. "The results of my last check with the Directorate General of Islamic Education, they have issued a Fund Payment Order. I ask that by the end of June 2022, these funds can be entered into the accounts of madrasa teachers, not civil servants who receive incentives," Yaqut said in a written statement received in Jakarta, Thursday, June 16. Yaqut said this incentive was given to teachers. not civil servants at Raudlatul Athfal (RA), Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), and Madrasah Aliyah (MA). The amount is IDR 250 thousand per month, withholding tax in accordance with applicable regulations. According to him, the disbursement process is currently being carried out for six months for 216 thousand non-PNS madrasa teachers. This incentive is a form of state recognition for teachers who have been dedicated and devoted their lives to educating the nation's children. teaching and student achievement in madrasas at all levels," he said. Meanwhile, Director General of Islamic Education Muhammad Ali Ramdhani said incentives would be given to teachers who met the criteria. The total existing quota has been divided proportionally based on the number of teachers in each province. East Java is the province with the most quotas.

"Incentive allowances for non-PNS teachers at RA/madrasah are distributed to teachers who are entitled to receive them directly into the account of the teacher concerned," he said. Director of Teachers and Education Personnel M. Zain explained that incentives are given to non-PNS madrasa teachers who meet the criteria and according to the availability of quotas for each province, due to budget constraints. The PTK number of the Ministry of Religion (NPK) and/or the Unique Number of Educators and Education Personnel (NUPTK), a teacher who teaches at the base administration unit under the guidance of the Ministry of Religion. Regional Governments, Heads of State Madrasahs and/or leaders of education providers held encouraged by the community for a minimum period of two years. "Priority is given to teachers whose service period is longer and this is evidenced by a Certificate of Long Servicedness," said Zain. Other criteria are meeting the academic qualifications of S-1 or D-IV, fulfilling the workload a minimum of six hours face-to-face, not a recipient of similar assistance whose funds come from the DIPA of the Ministry of Religion, not yet of retirement age (60 years). concurrently holding positions in the executive, judicial, or legislative institutions. "Finally, incentive allowances are paid to teachers who are declared eligible to be paid by Simpatika. This will be proven by a Certificate of Eligibility to Pay," he said.

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