
JAKARTA - The police said that the Khilafatul Muslimin used Kartosuwiryo's pocket book to spread the concept of caliphate to the public. The pocket book is given to its members after giving allegiance.

"After that, these residents will be given a pocket book after they have been disqualified. This pocket book is the background on the establishment of the Khilafahtul Muslimin," said Director of General Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Hengki Haryadi, to reporters on Thursday, June 16.

The pocket book contains teachings propagated by Kartosuwiryo. The purpose of giving this pocket book is so that people will have more confidence in the understanding that is spread by them.

Kartosuwiryo is the founder of the Darul Islam movement. The movement aims to establish an Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) which is based on the sharia system.

"This is their pocket book which refers to Darul Islam Kartosuwiryo so they can explain for themselves that their reference refers to Kartosuwiryo's teachings," said Hengki.

So far, Khilafatul Muslimin has tens of thousands of members spread throughout Indonesia. In fact, the members have different backgrounds.

Based on membership data, those who join the Khilafatul Muslimin have various professions, ranging from state civil servants (ASN) to farmers.

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