
MATARAM - The Mataram City Government hopes that the policy of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) which will eliminate temporary workers starting November 28, 2023, will be reviewed to make it more humane.

"We hope that there will be a more lawful policy issued by the government regarding the presence of temporary or non-ASN employees," said Head of the Mataram City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) Baiq Nelly Kusumawati in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB), Thursday. June 16.

The statement was conveyed in response to the Kemenpan RB policy which will eliminate honorary workers starting November 28, 2023, and has even instructed PPK to map non-ASN employees in their respective agencies.

Thousands of non-ASN personnel within the Mataram City Government are already worried and restless about their fate. On the one hand, they hope to be appointed as Government Employees with a Work Agreement (PPPK).

Nelly said that one of the humanist policies that can be applied is to follow the previous government's policy regarding the appointment of temporary workers to become civil servants in accordance with PP 48.

Of course, by continuing to follow the stages of selection and tests with a competency level of course under the BKN CAT for the selection of prospective civil servants (CPNS).

"But thankfully without the test," he said with a smile.

On the other hand, Nelly assessed, the policy of using outsourcing as suggested by the government if it is still possible for honorary security guards, cleaners, and drivers.

However, Nelly continued, not for technical honorary staff such as administrators, operators, and librarians who have long served in carrying out their duties according to their main duties and functions and are indeed needed in certain OPDs.

"For these technical personnel, we hope to be able to follow the rules of previous years. Hopefully the government's policy can change like that, so that non-ASN employees can still be accommodated," he said.

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