
JAKARTA - Khilafatul Muslimin has dozens of schools spread across several parts of Indonesia. The group spreads the caliphate ideology which is contrary to Pancasila.

Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi said the dozens of schools taught those opposing the caliphate to be marked as opponents to be fought or feared.

"Then it is also taught here that the known system is the caliphate. Outside the caliphate is the tagut, or devil, the devil," Hengki told reporters, Thursday, June 16.

Then, students who study under the auspices of the Khilafatul Muslimin are taught not to obey the rules or policies made by the government. However, you must obey the leadership of the Muslim Khilafatul or known as the kholifah.

During the learning process, Hengki continued, students were never taught about Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

"Students in every school were never taught Pancasila, never had a flag, were not allowed to respect flags other than the Khilafatul Muslimin flag," said Hengki.

With this teaching system, Hengki said, dozens of schools belonging to the Khilafatul Muslimin violated the rules related to the education system in Indonesia.

"Actions against the new law are related to the National Education System Law. In which, their activities also violate the National Education system and also the Law on Islamic Boarding Schools," said Hengki

For information, the Khilafatul Muslimin organization has 31 schools. The disclosure of this is based on information from the US who was arrested in the Mojokerto area, on Monday, June 13. He is the organization's minister of education.

In addition, in this case there are five other people who have been named suspects. First, Abdul Qadir Hasan Baraja as the supreme leader of the Muslim Khilafatul. He was arrested in Bandar Lampung.

Subsequently, four more people were arrested. They had the initials AA, IN, F, and SW who were called important figures in the Khilafatul Muslimin group.

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