
BATAM - The Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) stated that six hajj candidates from West Kalimantan who were members of the Batam Embarkation 2 flight group were delayed leaving for the Holy Land today.

According to the Secretary of PPIH Embarkation Hang Nadim Batam, Edi Batara, the pilgrims whose departures were delayed include Kasmidiana Muhammad Yusuf, who was unable to travel due to pregnancy, and his companion, Ahmad Salahuddin Abdul Rahim, who is from Kapuas Hulu Regency.

"Other Hajj candidates who have been delayed leaving for the Holy Land include Anshari Kusairi Abdul Kadir and his companion, Nur Secha Sanusi, from Ketapang Regency and Mursina Abdul Murad Majid and his companion, Abdul Razak Siman Hasan, who comes from Pontianak City," he explained in Batam, Antara , Thursday, June 16.

According to Edi, Ansari and Mursina were sick so they could not go to the Holy Land with the congregation in the Batam Embarkation 2 flight group, which was scheduled to fly from Hang Nadim Airport at 13.25 WIB and arrive in Medina at 18.15 Saudi Arabian time.

Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Kalimantan Province, Syahrul Yadi, said that pilgrims who are sick after recovering will be dispatched with the congregation in the next flying group (kloter).

"For those who are sick, if it is medically possible for the sick, we will leave. If it is not possible, we will have to cancel, because we cannot force sick people to worship," he said.

Syahrul said that the sick member of the Batam Embarkation 2 Hajj group who was sick is currently still undergoing treatment at the Batam Embarkation Hajj Dormitory accompanied by his companion.

"We are trying to figure out how we can depart on the next departure, if it is declared cured from illness," he said.

The Hang Nadim Batam Embarkation Group 2 includes 448 residents from West Kalimantan. This group includes pilgrims from Ketapang Regency, North Kayong Regency, Bengkayang Regency, Sanggau Regency, Landak Regency, Kapuas Hulu Regency, Pontianak City, Melawi Regency, and Sintang Regency.

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