
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the United Development Party (PPP) DPP Arsul Sani, hopes that the National Mandate Party (PAN) can quickly adapt after officially joining the government coalition.

It is known that the General Chair of the PAN, Zulkifli Hasan, was appointed as the Minister of Trade in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet.

"Now formally, the coalition has added one member. We hope that this PAN can then adjust," Arsul told reporters, Thursday, June 16.

The Deputy Chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) ensured that the coalition political parties supporting the government were still solid, although sometimes there were differences in viewpoints.

Therefore, Arsul reminded PAN to maintain an attitude in politics, aka lest one or two of its politicians behave like the opposition.

"For example, the party is here (a government coalition), then there are one, two, three politicians who then sound like the opposition, you know. Again, you can't be critical. On the other hand, I don't think it's right. Well, this is very important," he said. Arsul.

This was said by Arsul following a PAN politician who had mentioned that a big name would be toppled during the cabinet reshuffle yesterday. According to Arsul, such an attitude should be avoided in order to maintain a solid atmosphere within the coalition parties supporting the government.

"It's best if it concerns other political parties, it's important not to comment, you know. For what? So that there is conduciveness. So that there is no, let's say, criticizing each other or even attacking members of the coalition party," he concluded.

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