
JAKARTA - The National Police rejected a request from the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) for an open reconstruction of the fire case at the Attorney General's Office building.

Karo Penmas, Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, said that there are regulations that regulate the implementation of reconstruction in an open or closed manner.

"If the TKP is open, I can't imagine the crime scene will be messed up," Awi told reporters, Monday, October 26.

In addition, the reconstruction efforts to uncover cases have been carried out 6 times. Later, all results of the crime scene (TKP) will be clearly opened in court.

"So far, the National Police has been running on the track and has been professional and what has been the result of the TKP and the Polri laboratory has been recognized as irrefutable," he said.

In fact, in an effort to uncover this case the investigator used all available evidence and instructions. Everything will be proven in court.

"We used scientific crime investigation, so we used science. Please, it will be open in court," said Awi.

Previously, the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman encouraged the Police Criminal Investigation Unit to carry out an open reconstruction of the Attorney General's building fire case.

"To answer people's doubts because the process is always asked why only cigarette butts can burn all the buildings, so I beg the Criminal Investigation Unit to immediately reconstruct the AGO building. When there is a fire. For example, how can cigarette butts grow and are they really trying to extinguish them. If they try to extinguish them, they should be extinguished, "said Boyamin in a statement to reporters, Saturday, October 24.

Boyamin also urged the police to keep open the option of suspicion in Article 187 of the Criminal Code concerning elements of deliberate action related to the fire incident. The eight fire suspects at the AGO are currently charged with Article 188 of the Criminal Code.

"If it is true that this is allegedly carried out by these builders, at least it is smoking in a non-smoking area. That means it means you can be negligent on purpose, "he said.

In this case, Bareskrim Polri named eight suspects. Five of them are construction workers.

The five construction workers have the initials T, H, S, K, and IS. They were named suspects for violating the no smoking rule in the personnel bureau hall.

While the other three namely, UAM as the foreman, R who is the Director of PT ARM and the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Attorney General's Office, NH.

The determination of the suspect against UAM was reasoned because they did not supervise the five craftsmen while they were working. Meanwhile, R and NH were named as suspects for making an agreement to use a top cleaner cleaning fluid which is said to accelerate the combustion process.

The results of the investigation showed that the fire that burned the AGO building was said to have originated from cigarette coals that were dumped by construction workers into polybags.

Initially, the suspects who renovated the Personnel Bureau hall collected the rubbish from their work. Then, the garbage is put into three polybags or large plastic bags. Including a cigarette tip that is probably still slightly lit.

Then the suspects left the hall. They came down from the 6th floor of the AGO building.

With the embers in the polybag, it burns other rubbish. A large fire appeared and burned the objects around it. In the end, an even bigger fire burned several parts of the AGO building.

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