
LEBAK - The landslide disaster in Bojongmanik Sub-district, Lebak Regency, Banten, resulted in severed roads connecting inter-village and one unit of residents' houses was damaged.

"Fortunately, there were no casualties from the landslide," said the Head of Bojongmanik Sub-district, Lebak Regency, Dadan Juanda in Lebak, Thursday, June 16.

The ground moving incident in the area from Wednesday, June 16 afternoon until the evening was hit by heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds.

The bad weather lasted long enough to cause a landslide in Parakan Besi Village, Bojongmanik District, especially in that area where the Ciujung River flows.

As a result of the moving land, he said, the road infrastructure connecting the villages was cut off due to a 40-meter long subsidence with a depth of four meters.

In addition, one residential unit was damaged, so they were forced to flee to a relative's house.

We have reported the movable land incident to the local BPBD for immediate post-disaster handling," he said.

For temporary relief, he said, his party would deploy community service work in mutual cooperation with the local community.

This is because the location of the land disaster is classified as inland in Lebak Regency.

"We are focusing on how the inter-village roads can be retraced by transportation to support the community's economy, before heavy equipment is imported," he explained.

The Head of the Lebak Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Febby Rizky Pratama said his party would handle damaged houses and inter-village roads that had collapsed due to moving land.

It is possible that the subsidence of the road segment was reported to the DPUPR to bring in heavy equipment. The location of the movable land disaster is about five meters from the banks of the Ciujung River.

"Today we are going to the location to see the condition of the moving land disaster," he said.

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