
KAPUAS HULU - The Regent of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, Fransiskus Diaan, said that the health facilities at the Badau Mobile Hospital in the Indonesia-Malaysia border area, in the Kapuas Hulu area, need serious attention, both facilities and infrastructure as well as dentists. There are no laboratories, pharmacist assistants, electro-medical technicians, dentists, including the facilities," said Fransiskus Diaan, in Putussibau Kapuas Hulu, Wednesday, June 15. Fransiskus said that the absence of a number of these health facilities, including supporting facilities such as dental clinics, would be a concern. He said that after the definitive Badau Mobile Hospital Director was immediately followed up. "The facilities and infrastructure are very important to support health services at the border so that our people do not have to travel far for treatment to Malaysia," he said, accompanied by the Head of the Health Service. Kapuas Hulu. He also reminded that health services n to the community continues to be improved.Fransiskus mentioned that it is no longer important for public awareness to always apply a healthy lifestyle.

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