
JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, supports the issuance of a Regional Regulation (Perda) on Village Customs which contains local wisdom and the culture of community cooperation.

"I always appreciate the elements of society who continue to keep the Indonesian nation as a nation with a personality in culture, as Bung Karno said in Trisakti. I support the issuance of the Village Customs Regulation which LP2BN friends are fighting for," said Puan in a written statement in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 15.

This was conveyed by Puan during an audience with representatives of the Archipelago Cultural Protection and Preservation Institution (LP2BN) and the Surabaya Family Hope Program Assistance Group (PKH).

There were 50 LP2BN representatives who attended the hearing and asked for Puan's support for the draft Village Customary Regulation which contained local wisdom and the culture of community cooperation.

Puan promised to use the inputs from LP2BN as "ammunition" for the DPR in fighting for the glory of national culture. He said this is a noble ideal that every child of the nation must continue to strive for.

"We will continue to support all parties such as LP2BN who want to preserve and advance the culture of the archipelago," he said.

He reminded that Indonesia could become a big country thanks to its rich culture, therefore initiatives in advancing the culture of the archipelago must continue to be supported.

In addition, Puan had a dialogue with 67 PKH Facilitators whose task was to assist Beneficiary Families (KPM) social assistance programs for poor families.

"Thank you to the PKH assistants for their dedication so far who have been patiently accompanying the recipients of assistance," said Puan.

Puan also shared her experience of being involved in assisting residents in the PKH program when she was still the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK).

At that time he taught PKH recipients to open accounts, manage money in banks, to how to withdraw money at Automated Teller Machines (ATMs).

"Now everything goes through the post office, it does take extra patience to take care of PKH," he said.

He reminded that the purpose of PKH Social Assistance (Bansos) is to address poverty and improve the quality of superior human resources (HR), so the role of PKH facilitators is very important.

On the other hand, Puan highlighted the rampant actions that harm residents by receiving PKH assistance, such as fraud and profiteering of identities and aid funds.

"PKH facilitators must be able to protect PKH recipients so they are not deceived, not frightened by irresponsible parties," he said.

Puan said the DPR will help provide solutions by providing input to the government so that PKH obstacles in the field can be overcome.

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