
JAKARTA – Clashes between the two groups on Jalan Komarudin 3, Grinding, Cakung District, East Jakarta, occurred again. The perpetrators are known to carry sharp weapons to injure their opponents.

Based on CCTV footage at the scene, the brawl took place on Saturday, June 11, yesterday. The perpetrators were seen running in the middle of the residential area of Jalan Komarudin 3.

A local resident, Syahrul said, the perpetrators used sharp weapons in the form of sickles in the brawl.

"There are teenagers in the fights, there are adults too. All of them bring machetes (sharp weapons), they are large in size. They carry sickles," said Syahrul to reporters, Tuesday, June 14.

As a result of the incident, he said he was restless. What's more, brawls occur in the middle of residential areas. It is feared that there are residents who become victims of wrong targets.

"I'm also worried, there are a lot of children here and the population is dense, I'm afraid that some people will become victims of the wrong target," he said.

Syahrul did not know for sure the cause of the brawl, but he suspected that there was a grudge between the two groups of youths.

He also hopes that the police can patrol the area to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

"A fight for revenge," he said.

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