
JAKARTA - The body of an 11-year-old male was found at the Manggarai Water Gate, South Jakarta. When the boy's body was found, it was caught in the garbage that had piled up in that place.

The picket officer of the Tebet Sub-District Fire and Rescue Service, Moch. Arief confirmed the discovery of the body. His party received information related to the discovery of the body at 07.30 WIB.

"The body was found by the Manggarai sluice gate guard, then the Manggarai sluice gate contacted the Tebet sub-district fire and rescue service for evacuation," Arief said in a short message, Tuesday, June 14.

The personnel then started the operation at 08.00 WIB. The evacuation process lasted for one hour and was declared complete at 09.00 WIB.

"The time for the operation to finish is at 09.00 WIB. Evacuation for the sex of the victim is a male victim without clothes," he concluded.

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