
BEKASI - Bekasi City Metro Police Chief Kombes Hengki said his party had examined the reporter, Rudi and two other witnesses. This is done to find out the truth of the case.

"Investigators or the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit together with their investigators have examined the complainant or the victim himself, have asked for a post-mortem and others, including two other witnesses," Hengki told reporters at the Bekasi City Metro Police, Tuesday, June 14.

On that occasion, Hengki could not explain the results of the reporting party's investigation. Because they are still waiting for the inspection from the reported party.

"We will check it first, then we will call as a witness later from the examination of the reported party we will conclude, the investigator will conclude whether there was a case how the reporting party reported it.

Regarding the planned investigation of the reported Iko Uwais and Firmansyah, it had to be postponed. Because the person involved cannot attend because there are other activities.

"I can't attend because there are activities and will be rescheduled for the examination of IU (Iko Uwais) and F (Firmansyah)," he concluded.

As is known, Iko Uwais and Firmansyah are suspected of beating Rudi, an interior designer hired by Iko. The commotion was triggered by debt problems. Iko is said to have not paid the remaining Rp. 150 million for interior design services.

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