
JAKARTA - Artist Iko Uwais was reported to the Bekasi Metro Police for alleged abuse. The police said that the case started with the victim asking for money as payment for the interior design of the house. The victim reported Iko Uwais and Firmansyah to the police. The alleged beating case involving Iko Uwais as the reported party is still being investigated. The police said that in the process, two witnesses had been examined. The report was registered with the number LP/B/1.737/VI/2022/SPKT/Satreskrim/Polres Metro Bekasi. In the report, Iko Uwais was reported with Article 170 of the Criminal Code regarding beatings. This was conveyed Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan told reporters, Monday (13/6). Watch the video below.

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